To obtain dealer pricing, you must be operating in an appropriate business order to be able to promote and sell security products.
2.There will be no exclusive territories for distributors.
3.In order to obtain distributor prices, you must have a minimum monthly purchase of $ 10,000.00 ten thousand pesos before VAT, which can be accumulated.
- Minimum purchase per exhibition $ 2,500.00 before VAT
5. The form of payment must be rigorously counted. - Product prices are subject to change without notice.
- Products are sold L.A.B. Guadalajara Jalisco, this means that the ownership and responsibility of the product and the cost of the freight belongs to the distributor.
8. The Distributor must claim any damage or shortage that occurred during transportation directly to the carrier.
- All LICA merchandise has a 3-month warranty, which applies only for factory defects, all distributors must adhere to LICA’s warranty policy. The Distributor agrees to read, understand and sign the content of this Policy accepted.
- The Distributor may request a special quote when handling any operation that is outside the usual parameters, must indicate in writing the volume, as well as characteristics of the requested special product.
11. For the payment of your invoices, it must be by means of transfer or deposit in the referenced account provided by your advisor after registering as a distributor
- Minimum purchase per exhibition $ 2,500.00 before VAT
- Accesorios (4)
- Calzado de seguridad (34)
- Botas de PVC (3)
- Botas de Trabajo (21)
- Calzado de mujer (3)
- Calzado dieléctrico (20)
- Hiking (2)
- Tenis de seguridad (5)
- LICA USA (126)
- Accesories (4)
- Body protection (27)
- Back support brace (1)
- Disposable (5)
- Rainwear (8)
- Safety apron (4)
- Vest (6)
- Fire protection (1)
- Head & face protection (25)
- Eye protection (7)
- Hearing protection (6)
- Safety helmet (2)
- Road safety equipment (2)
- Safety boots (12)
- Safety gloves (20)
- Safety Harness (17)
- Safety tools (1)
- Uniform (18)
- Promociones del mes (6)
- Protección anticaídas (24)
- Accesorios anti caídas (4)
- Amortiguador (3)
- Arnés (9)
- Cable para posicionamiento (2)
- Líneas de vida (5)
- Punto fijo (1)
- Protección contra incendios (3)
- Extintores (3)
- Gabinetes (0)
- Protección de cuerpo (35)
- Chalecos (8)
- Fajas (3)
- Impermeables (10)
- Mangas y Mandiles (9)
- Rodilleras y Coderas (4)
- Protección de manos (27)
- Carnaza y Piel (13)
- Especiales (7)
- Recubiertos (6)
- Protección para la cabeza (28)
- Auditiva (5)
- Caretas y capuchas (4)
- Cascos y gorras (6)
- Desechable (4)
- Lentes (5)
- Respiratoria (5)
- Señalética (52)
- Uniformes (28)
- Camisas (9)
- Chamarras (3)
- Overol (5)
- Pantalones (10)